Luc Tuymans, Le Verdict, 11 colour lithographs, printed on 7 strips of blotting paper, 50 × 590 cm, 50 × 569 cm, 50 × 506 cm, 50 × 210 cm, 50 × 195 cm and 50 × 200 cm, edition of 8 plus 2 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered, signed and dated. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1995.
Strip No 1: Strip with 3 lithographs, 50 × 569 cm.
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Strip No 2: Strip with 2 lithographs, 50 × 590 cm.
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Strip No 3: Strip with 2 lithographs, 50 × 506 cm.