Henri Michaux
Encres, gouaches, aquarelles, lavis
Exhibition from June 1 to July 15, 1989
Opening May 31, 1989

During the exhibition: presentation at the Centre of the film Images du monde visionnaire of Henri Michaux, directed by Eric Duvivier (1963).
The June 14, 1989 in the evening: Concert of New Quartet of Geneva, 5th quartet of Giacinto Scelsi dedicated to Henri Michaux and the works of H. Villa Lobos and Anton Webern
Today, it seems important to report by texts of the will of producing and experimenting of Michaux, always with the same honesty facing the sign in movement and the abstract sign, as well as its points of cinematographic view, given to see, in their profusion, like a picture book.
Henri Michaux, catalogue: Introduction d’Anne Patry et Paul Viaccoz, textes de Jean Starobinski, Alfred Pacquement, Alain Jouffroy, René Micha, Raymond Bellour et biographie de Geneviève Bonnefoi, cinquante-deux pages, 32 x 24 cm, offset sur papier Biber 65 mat 150 gm2, seize ill. noir/blanc et deux ill. couleurs, sept-cent exemplaires, imprimés par Victor Chevalier Imprimerie Genevoise SA, édités par le Centre, Genève, 1989