Caroline Schattling Villeval
No, no no healthy trust , 2023

Caroline Schattling Villeval, No, no no healthy trust, 2023, a box containing a safety pin that joins together an object made of Murano glass and two or three silver-plated brass chains, wrapped in tissue paper, variable dimensions, black print on a white box, 9.2 x 9.2 x 5 cm. On the bottom of the box is printed a QR-code that gives access to the animation video, No, no no healthy trust, color, 2’, 2023. Edition of 100 copies, including 3 e.a. and 2 H.C., numbered, dated and signed. Editorial assistantship: Ilana Winderickx; video modeling: Sara Bissen and Caroline Schattling Villeval; graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2023.

Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2023.

CHF 150.-
Caroline Schattling Villeval,
No, no no healthy trust
, colour, 2’15’’, 2023

In the video No, no no healthy trust, the question of the body remains, in this case individual as well as biological. The theme of power is approached through the topic of well-being. “For Caroline Schattling Villeval, the interest in care as a concept emerged through the discovery of the feminist self-help movements of the 1970s. The movement was initiated on one hand as a reaction to the masculine domination in the health system, and on another hand as a set of contemporary artistic practices which were articulated around said movement. In Europe, the Feminist Health Care Research Group, formed in 2015 in Berlin by Julia Bonn, Alice Münch and Inga Zimprich took inspiration from the West German Health Movement in order to create spaces to welcome collective research around exhibitions, workshops or zines as tools to think about and construct a more radical health system. As an empowerment process, individual education notably revolves around learning DIY practices within a communal setting, as a way to propose a collective alternative to the dominant health system.

In the video No, no no healthy trust, a small green plant agitates itself in a jerky trance. Is it the result of drug consumption within a festive setting, or maybe dietary supplements consumed to provide a daily energy boost? Regardless of whether it’s one or the other, the specter of the neoliberal economy seems to loom large. Caroline Schattling Villeval’s characters are often offbeat, submerged by a world which overflows with possibilities to get better, always better. They seem to be in a perpetual well-being quest, an investigation of happiness. Happiness, as it was formulated by Martin Seligman, co-founder of positive psychology next to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, follows a hyper-individualist logic; To reach happiness depends on one’s will to undertake a series of important actions as a way to achieve a sustainable blissful state. How convenient for capitalism! Supported by the good vibes only slogan, the wellness industry takes off in the beginning of the 2000s: happiness can be bought. Yoga, pilates, diets, detoxes, miracle morning, beauty care, meditation, self-development, spiritual retreat: so many practices that guarantee a better life, evolving at the pace of supply and demand, standardising bodies and minds while detaching them from any kind of collective commitment. Health is no longer limited to fighting diseases, and now encompasses attempts to perform better, self-optimise, compensate hypothetical deficiencies. For one’s own sake?

Giulia Essyad
temple-piss19.psd, 2020

Giulia Essyad, temple-piss19.psd, 2020, poster, offset, two colors, Algro Design glossy laminated paper 180 g/m2, 98.5 × 49 cm, 150 copies, 14 A.P. and 10 H.C., dated, numbered and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2022.
Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2022.
CHF 150.-

Liz Craft
New York & Beyond, 2017-2019

Liz Craft, New York & Beyond, 2017 – 2019, publication, digital printing, colours, 40 pages, 15 x 21.2 cm, 500 copies, stapled binding. Text : Paul-Aymar Mourgue d’Algue (English). Graphic design : Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2021. ISBN 978-2-9701369-0-3
CHF 20.-

Guillaume Dénervaud
Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure) et
(Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure

Guillaume Dénervaud, <em>Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure)</em> and <em>(Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure</em>, ed. of the CEC, 2020. © Sandra Pointet
Guillaume Dénervaud, (Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure and Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure), ed. of the CEC, 2020. © Sandra Pointet

Guillaume Dénervaud, (Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure, offset (violet) and typographic (black) print and Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure), offset (green) and typographic (black) print, diptych, 41,5 x 30 cm, 200 copies, dated and signed. Editions of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2020. Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2020.
CHF 150.- the diptych

Susan Te Kahurangi King
Selected Works 1965–1980

Susan Te Kahurangi King, Selected Works 1965–1980, offset, colours, 20 pages, 16,5 × 23,6 cm. Coedition innen, Zurich and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019. ISBN : 978-2-9701174-8-3
Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2019.
CHF 20.-

Dorothy Iannone
Eros Paintings

Dorothy Iannone, Eros Paintings, offset, colours, 16 pages, 16,5 x 23,6 cm. Coedition innen, Zurich and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019. ISBN : 978-2-9701174-9-0
CHF 20.-

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches ! “A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations”

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches ! « A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations », ed. of the CEC, 2019. © Sandra Pointet
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches ! « A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations », ed. of the CEC, 2019. © Sandra Pointet

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches! « A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations »
Silkscreen print on raw cotton, 36 × 48 cm, safety pins, postcard, 150 copies, edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019. Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2018.
CHF 80.-

Jonathan Monk
Directional Advice

Jonathan Monk, Directional Advice, one colour silkscreen print, clear varnish coating, Algro Screen cardboard 1260 g/m2, Ø 40 cm, edition of 150, signed and dated on the reverse, printed by Christian Humbert-Droz, Geneva, die-cut by Decoform, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2017. Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2017.
150.- CHF


Jean-Michel Wicker
Belle étiquette

Jean-Michel Wicker, Belle étiquette, woven flyer taking the form of a mini carpet functioning as an advertisement object, polyester, black and white, high definition weaving, heat cut with fray out edges, 92 × 140 mm, edition of 1000, unsigned, weaving Bornemann-Etiketten GmbH, Wuppertal. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016.
This edition is accompanied by a publication bearing the same title, Belle étiquette, publication, 16 pages, black/white, colours, offset on Magno Satin 130 g/m2 paper, 26,8 × 20,5 cm, 250 copies. Graphic design : Marietta Eugster and Jean-Michel Wicker. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016.
Edition offered to the 2016 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 40.-

David Hominal

David Hominal, Détail, CEC, 2015. Photo © Sandra Pointet
David Hominal, Détail, CEC, 2015. Photo © Sandra Pointet

David Hominal, Détail, Silkscreen print, two colours, 99,6 × 75,6 cm, an edition of 120 copies, 13 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered, dated and signed. Printed in Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2015.
Edition offered to the 2014 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 300.-



Oriol Vilanova

Oriol Vilanova, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY, 150 different postcards representing spectacular caves from all over the world, each postcard contains the stamped inscription on the back: THE COLLECTION WILL BE COMPLETE WITH THE OTHER 149 POSTCARDS, in an envelope. Edition of Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva. 2014
Edition offered to the 2013 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association. CEC.
CHF 15.-

Philippe Decrauzat,
One Second,
Notes On Replica

Philippe Decrauzat, One second, Notes on Replica, CEC, 2013. Photo © David Gagnebin-de-Bons

Philippe Decrauzat, One second, Notes on Replica, 24 images from the 16mm film Notes on Replica by Philippe Decrauzat, reproduced 5 times each, carbon print on Hahnemühle 180 g/m2, paper, black/white, A4 size, edition of 120, numbered, signed and dated. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2013.
Edition offered to the 2012 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 200.- one carbon print

Sgrafo vs Fat Lava

Sgrafo vs Fat Lava, CEC, 2011

Sgrafo vs Fat Lava
(1) Book, French, bound, 105 x 165 mm, 64 pages, 22 colour pictures. Summ ary : Nicolas Trembley (ed.), Madeleine de Proust et Fat Lava (introduction); text by Horst Makus, Formes, couleurs et décors. Un survol ; Interview of Ronan Bouroullec by Nicolas Trembley. Graphic design : Gavillet & Rust / Eigenheer, Geneva. Publisher : JRP|Ringier (Hapax collection), Zurich, 2011. ISBN 978-3-03764-163-7
(2) Book, English, bound, 105 x 165 mm, 64 pages, 22 colour pictures. Summary : Nicolas Trembley (ed.), Proust’s Madeleine and Fat Lava (introduction); text by Horst Makus, Form, Color, and Decoration: An Overview ; Interview with Ronan Bouroullec by Nicolas Trembley. Graphic design : Gavillet & Rust / Eigenheer, Geneva. Publisher : JRP|Ringier (Hapax collection), Zurich, 2012. ISBN 978-3-03764-277-1
Edition offered to the 2010 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 20.-

Aaron Flint Jamison

Aaron Flint Jamison, BLOCK 2, artist’s book, texts and images, colours, printed in offset and typography on different types of paper, 112 pages, 7 quires, format 12 × 21 cm, hardcover, bound in linen, square spine, glued and sewn, foil on the cover, colophon printed on a card inserted between the last page and the endsheet, edition of 250. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2011.
Edition offered to the 2011 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Sold out

Pierre Bismuth
Something Less,
Something More – DIY

Pierre Bismuth, Something Less, Something More – DIY, CEC, 2009. Photo © Annik Wetter

Pierre Bismuth, Something Less, Something More – DIY, triple groove corrugated cardboard plate with seven pre-cut discs, 37 × 50 cm, a metal stick and instructions for use, offset, black and one colour, front and back, French/English, 74 × 50 cm, on Keaykolour nature quartz mat 150 g/m2 paper, folded in two, all elements in a coloured plastic envelope (green, blue, yellow or clear) closed by a folded cardboard as colophon, digital print, one colour, 180 copies. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2009.
Edition offered to the 2009 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 300.-

Angela Marzullo
Les Pisseuses

Angela Marzullo, Les Pisseuses, figurine, plaster, urine, 14 x 6.5 x 5 cm, edition of 120, numbered and dated, offered to the 2008 members of the association. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2008.
Edition offered to the 2008 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 100. –

Jérôme Leuba

Jérôme Leuba, battlefield#39, CEC, 2007. Photo © Sandra Pointet

Jérôme Leuba, battlefield#39,one side poster, offset, glossy laid paper 135 g/m2, colours, 70 × 50 cm, rolled and held by a strap of newspaper, b#39 noted on a golden sticker, edition of 300 of which 150 reserved for the 2007 members of the association, 150 reserved for sale, 15 A.P. and 5 H.C., numbered, dated and signed, printed by Rochat/Baumann Imprimerie Nationale, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2007.
Edition offered to the 2007 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 70.-

François Curlet

François Curlet, PUB-UP, CEC, 2007. Photo © Sandra Pointet

François Curlet, PUB-UP, mini portfolio of five facsimile, offset, Idem Superior CF yellow 60 g/m2 paper, pique-note, edition of 120 including 20 numbered, dated and signed editions reserved for sale, 92 reserved for the 2006 members of the association, 6 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered and dated on a label with turquoise-blue stamp, glued under the base of the pique-note. The five facsimile were printed by Josef Huber, Noir sur Noir Impression, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2007.
Edition offered to the 2006 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 500.-

Mai-Thu Perret
5 Sculptures of Pure Self-Expression


Mai-Thu Perret, 5 Sculptures Of Pure Self-Expression, edition of a series of five objects (the dead, the spider, the gallow and two cristals), red enamel ceramics, Ø approx 20 cm., edition of 160 from which 10 H.C., 10 A.P., 40 editions reserved for sale and 100 editions offered to the 2003 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2004. The 40 editions reserved for sale, the 10 H.C. and the 10 A.P. are split in 12 sets of the five different ceramics gathered in a cardboard box with red print on top, numbered, signed and dated. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2004.
Edition offered to the 2003 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Sold out



NO MORE LIGHTS ON MY STARGUITAR, vinyl, 33 rounds, 12 sound tracks by Albert Angelo (GB), John Armleder (GE), Ana Axpe (GE), Kim Sop Boninsegi (GE), Bruno Dürr (GE), Mossuraya (GE), Yanick Fournier (D), Benoit Guignat (FR), Baron Samedi (Elena Montesinos, C. Daesen at S. Mercier) (CH), Reynolds (AR), SPLITt Jaques Julien & Hugues Reip) (FR), Uusi Fantasia (FI), 1000 copies, edited by Made at home records and the centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2005.
This rather rock’n’roll inspired compilation of musical pieces organised by Bruno Dürr is meant to defy this obsolete but nevertheless reactualised idea about the death of the rock’n’roll music. It will be presented together with its video clip, Glamourama, realised by Corine Stübi.
Edition offered to the 2004 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Compilation No More Lights On My Starguitar in details
SPLITt (Jacques Julien & Hugues Reip), Melita Singh, 2 :51
Mossuraya, Haine aux maçons (Part 2), 2:08
Reynols, Rohr Caduelo Gasigo Flatdas, 3:38
Uusi Fantasia, Wet Pussy, 1:18
Ana Axpe, 4 ever elvis, 2 :55
Baron Samedi (Elena Montesinos, C.Daesen et S. Mercier), Flaw to fizz , 3 :33
Yanick Fournier, Marco Praz, 3 :18
John Armleder, 4’.33’, 4:33
Benoît Guignat, ##, 3:36
Albert Angelo, Accident Will Happen/A Happy Accident, 5:00
Bonus tracks :
Kim Sop Boninsegni, matter of laughs, 1 :00
Bruno Dürr, I killed my father’s guitar, 1 :07
CHF 10.-

Karl Holmqvist

Karl Holmqvist, CECI N’EST QU’UNE ILLUSION, CEC, 2002

Karl Holmqvist, CECI N’EST QU’UNE ILLUSION, silkscreen printed plastic bag, black/white, 34.5 × 46.5 cm, unlimited edition. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2002.
Edition offered to the 2002 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Sold out

Alexandre Bianchini
Sans titre

Alexandre Bianchini, Sans titre, CEC, 2000

Alexandre Bianchini, Sans titre, silkscreen poster, colours, 176 × 120 cm, edition of 100, copyright Alexandre Bianchini and Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 2000.
Edition offered to the 2000 members of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
Sold out


KLAT, EVIL TALK, poster, silkscreen print, black/white phosphorescent on poster paper, 50 × 100 cm, edition of 300. Coedition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine and Forde, espace d’art contemporain, Geneva, 2000.
Edition offered to the members of 1999 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
CHF 50.-

Elke Krystufek
Economical Love

Elke Krystufek, <em>Economical Love</em>, 1998
Elke Krystufek, Economical Love, 1998

Elke Krystufek, Economical Love, poster, offset print, colours, 70 × 50 cm, edition of 160 dated and signed and approx. 60 not signed. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1998.
Edition offered to the members of 1998 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
CHF 30.– not signed
CHF 50.– dated and signed

Fabrice Gygi,
Sans titre

Fabrice Gygi, <em>Sans titre</em>, 1996
Fabrice Gygi, Sans titre, 1996

Fabrice Gygi, Sans titre, silkscreen poster, colours, 100 × 68 cm, edition of 150, numbered from 1 to 150, plus 8 A.P., dated, signed. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1996.
Edition offered to the members of 1996 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
Sold out

Olivier Mosset
Sans titre

Olivier Mosset, <em>Sans titre</em>, 1995
Olivier Mosset, Sans titre, 1995

Olivier Mosset, Sans titre, burin engraving, black/white, 35 × 35 cm, 150 H.C., signed and numbered from 1 to 150, and 5 H.C. signed and numbered from I to V, 1995. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1995.
Edition offered to the members of 1995 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.

Alexandre Bianchini

Huber Mean
Version # 1

 Alexandre Bianchini – Huber Mean, <em>Version # 1</em>, 1994
Alexandre Bianchini – Huber Mean, Version # 1, 1994

Alexandre Bianchini – Huber Mean, Vinyl, Version # 1, 12’’ maxi record, A and B side, sound mixing of a text and of various styles of music (jazz and acid jazz), edition of 300. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1994.
Edition offered to the members of 1994 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
CHF 15.–

Simon Lamunière, Sans titre

Simon Lamunière, <em>Sans titre</em>, 1993
Simon Lamunière, Sans titre, 1993

Simon Lamunière, Sans titre, silkscreen print, black/white, colours, on Arches 88 300 g/m2 paper, 23 × 47 cm, edition of 130 plus 5 A.P. and 5 H.C., numbered, dated and signed. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1993.
Edition offered to the members of 1993 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
CHF 50.–

Roman Signer
Action avec une bicyclette et papier

Roman Signer, <em>Action avec une bicyclette et papier</em>, 1992
Roman Signer, Action avec une bicyclette et papier, 1992

Roman Signer, Action avec une bicyclette et papier, traces of bicycle tires on paper, 21 × 29.5 cm, edition of 157 plus 4 A.P. and 3 H.C., signed, dated and numbered from 1 to 150. With a photograph by Stefan Rohner. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1992.
Edition offered to the members of 1992 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
Sold out

Rémi Dall’Aglio
Sans titre

Rémi Dall'Aglio, <em>Sans titre</em>, 1990
Rémi Dall’Aglio, Sans titre, 1990

Rémi Dall’Aglio, Sans titre, lino-engraving on photosensitive paper, black/white, 21 × 29.6 cm, edition of 150, numbered and signed with a dry stamp. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1990.
Edition offered to the members of 1990 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
Sold out