Giulia Essyad
Unspeakable (i’m ready), 2023-2024

Giulia Essyad, Unspeakable (i’m ready), 2023-2024, 5 facsimiles of wet collodion photographs, print on Plexiglas, lamination, 12 x 10 cm, each facsimiles is separately packaged in a thermoformed box, 16 x 12.2 cm, the 5 facsimiles of each copy of the edition are bound by an elastic band, thanks to Krishanu Chatterjee and Kanike Studio, Bengaluru, 13 copies, 2 H.C. and 3 e.a., labeled and numbered, edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2024. 

CHF 450.- (edition of 5 facsimiles)

Denis Savary

Denis Savary, Campfire, 7 objects, glass, wood particles, colors, dimensions variables, two objects reserved as 1 e.a. and 1 H.C., certificate of authenticity numbered, dated and signed by the artist, edition of the CEC, 2024.

CHF 8’000.-

Gina Folly

  • Gina Folly, Don’t look at your phone first thing in the morning, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, You are not for everyone, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, Human nature is no excuse, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, Emotions come and go, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, Don’t underestimate the power of staying in bed, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, Dreams are the raw material of reality, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, You don’t know how powerful you are, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
  • Gina Folly, Love is a Time Machine, ed. of the CEC, 2023 © Sandra Pointet
Don’t look at your phone first thing in the morning, box, varnished cardboard, seven stabilized grey roses, 34 x 31 x 9 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 1’000.-

You are not for everyone, box, varnished cardboard, four stabilized pink tuberoses, 30 x 12,5 x 15 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 800.-

Prepare the new normal, box, varnished cardboard, twenty stabilized grey roses, 20 x 23 x 24 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

Sold out

Human nature is no excuse, box, varnished cardboard, one stabilized burgundy rose, 26,5 x 22,5 x 22,5 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 800.-

Emotions come and go, box, varnished cardboard, four swiveling wheels, two stabilized white gerberas, 44 x 30 x 30 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 1’200.-

Don’t underestimate the power of staying in bed, box, varnished cardboard, one stabilized grey rose, 37, 5 x 25, 5 x 24 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 1’000.-

Dreams are the raw material of reality, three boxes, varnished cardboard, four stabilized orange zinnias, 35,5 x 31 x 17,5 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 1’000.-

You don’t know how powerful you are, plank, varnished cardboard, three stabilized grey roses, 60 x 37 x 5 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 1’200.-

Love is a Time Machine, two boxes, varnished cardboard, eight stabilized pink tuberoses, 45 x 39 x 28, 5 cm, edition of the CEC, 2023

CHF 1’200.-

RM photographed by Mathilde Agius, 2023

RM, RM photographed by Mathilde Agius, 2023, edition of 12 photographs, CATS, NAKED, MUSIC, HANGOVER, CLOWNS, FAMILY, BAROCCO, BIKERS, FLOWERS, EXTERMINATORS, ALIENS, ANGELS, silver prints, black/white, 39 x 50 cm, printed in 4 copies, 1 H.C. (framed, 37 x 48 cm) and 3 e. a., numbered, dated and signed. The photographs of the RM and the prints were made by Mathilde Agius. Edited by the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2023.

CHF 2’500.- (one photograph, unframed)
Price on demand (the edition of 12 photographs, unframed)

Giulia Essyad
Blueberry Studies

Giulia Essyad,  Blueberry Studies, Before publication 8, brochure, colors, 32 pages – single booklet, 17,2 × 23,5 cm, offset, stapled binding – published in the Before publication collection, which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2022. ISBN : 978-2-9701369-6-5
CHF 20.-
Giulia Essyad uses her body as a raw material and a space of projection, which she immerses in a fantastic cinematic universe reminiscent of medieval legends and pop culture. She makes use of a sensibility soaked up the codes of ultra-femininity, between an uninhibited self-assertion and an invitation to the critical deconstruction of the representation of the contemporary body. Between historical hijacking and provocation, her body becomes a militant, iconic vector, which she plunges into dreamlike universes, freeing her image from the taboos and criteria that continue to confine women to the aesthetic canons which still prevail in our society. In a very free syncretism, she summons notions that extend from animism to polytheism, from the world of fairies to that of Fantasy, which is inspired by both natural and supernatural phenomena, by myths and by more traditional and ancient beliefs, in a very broad and multicultural field, or in the more contemporary field of hybrid, archaic and digital beings.  

Marie Angeletti

Marie Angeletti, RAM, artist’s book, digital print, photocopies, black enamel on acrylic, silver paper, colors, 27,5 x 21 cm, 5 copies including 1 e.a., numbered. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2022.
CHF 200.-
Marie Angeletti, RAM, fanzine, digital print, photocopies, silver paper, black/white, colors, 27,5 x 21 cm, slipped into a white paper slip cover, 100 g/m2, 20 copies including 1 e.a. and 1 H.C., numbered and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Genève, 2022.
Sold out

Giulia Essyad
temple-piss19.psd, 2020

Giulia Essyad, temple-piss19.psd, 2020, poster, offset, two colors, Algro Design glossy laminated paper 180 g/m2, 98.5 × 49 cm, 150 copies, 14 A.P. and 10 H.C., dated, numbered and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2022.
Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2022.
CHF 150.-

Mai-Thu Perret
My sister’s hand in mine

Mai-Thu Perret, My sister’s hand in mine, the edition includes a screen-printed maple box with sliding lid that contains a pair of knitted mittens with the pointed shape specific to the Latvian tradition. Each pair is unique, made of pure Shetland wool, and their patterns reproduce one of the five patterns designed by Mai-Thu Perret: four geometric designs and a foliage motif inspired by the Latvian Latgale regional tradition. Each box also contains ten screen prints reproducing the five patterns, available in two different colours, as well as a colophon, printed on rough natural Lessebo paper 400 g/m2, 45.6 x 17.5 cm. Each silkscreen is numbered (from A to J) and signed by the artist.
This edition has been produced in 12 copies, 2 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered, dated and signed by the artist on the colophon. The mittens were knitted by Santa Leimane, Riga, the screen prints were printed by Sabrina Peerally, Madame (screen printing workshop, Geneva), the boxes were made by Atelier Casaï SA, Geneva. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition by the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2022.
CHF 3’500.-

Laurence Bonvin

Laurence Bonvin, شالي (shali), Before publication 7, brochure, 36 pages – single booklets, 17.2 × 23.5 cm, offset, stapled binding – published in the Before publication collection, which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2022. ISBN : 978-2-9701369-5-8
CHF 20.-
The set of photographs Shali (house in Siwi language) was made in February 2021 – Shali, digital photographs (color originals), inkjet print on Hahnmühle paper, 74.7 x 58 cm, 2021. It’s related to the fortress of the same name, located in the center of the Siwa oasis in Egypt. The construction technique, kershef, is a mixture of clay, salt and stones. It is exemplary of Berber vernacular architecture and offers a natural protection against the heat of the desert. Severely eroded by time and the torrential rains of 1926, the fortress of Shali has been restored by the Egyptian government who wants to make Siwa an eco-tourism center.

Born in 1967 in Sierre, Laurence Bonvin is a Swiss photographer and film director. She lives between Switzerland and the city of Lisbon. Marked by the documentary, her approach has been focused for many years on landscape, architecture and the phenomena of transformation of urban and natural environments. Through her gaze, the artist reveals the social, poetic and political dimensions of intermediate places such as borders, wastelands, pre-urban and peri-urban areas, and questions their identities.
Her photographic work has been presented in solo exhibitions including: Blackrock, Dak’Art Biennale, Dakar (2022); Earth Beats, Kunsthaus Zürich (2021); See Pieces, Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation, Berlin (2021); Les lois de l’improbabilité, Centre de la photographie, Geneva (2020); Something Else 2, Biennale off, Darb 1789, Cairo (2018); Flow of Forms, Museum of Ethnology, Hamburg (2018). She has also been the subject of several publications, including On the Edges of Paradise (edition fink, Zürich, 2008), the collection of Cahiers d’artistes (Pro Helvetia, Zürich + ed. Periferia, Lucerne, 2007) or the collection Before publication of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva (شالي, Before publication 7, ed. of CEC, Geneva, 2022). She also participates in the collective exhibition, La montagne en perspective, in the Museum of Art and History, Geneva (2022-23). Laurence Bonvin has directed several short films presented in exhibitions as well as selected by international festivals: Ghost Fair Trade (2022); Aletsch Negative (2019); Avant l’envol (2016); Blikkiesdorp (2014); AfterVegas (2013). She has benefited from a Pro Helvetia Cairo workshop between 2020 and 2021. 

David Hominal
Still Life / Les feuilles mortes / 2020–2021

David Hominal, Still Life / Les feuilles mortes / 2020–2021, Before publication 6, brochure, 32 pages – single booklets, 17.2 × 23.5 cm, offset, stapled binding – published in the Before publication collection, which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2021. ISBN:978-2-9701369-4-1
Sold out
For the publication Still Life/Les feuilles mortes/2020-2021, David Hominal has selected a series of dead leaves that, for him as for all of us, are memories of childhood or walks. Beyond romanticism or naturalism, these leaves represent, like the painting, a perfect flat surface and a network of veins that are organized, like David Hominal’s gesture, from the center to the edge of the canvas, in an opening movement, the color and lines invading the canvas beyond the limits of each leaf. The play of inverted meanings between the English phrase and its French translation, Still Life, literally « toujours en vie », but actually meaning « nature morte » (still life), gives clues to the essence of Hominal’s practice. He chooses the exercise of still life to give it a new lease on life. A fragile and ephemeral subject as a metaphor of his practice declined, here, in a cycle both short and infinite, oscillating eternally between death and rebirth.

Paul Viaccoz

Paul Viaccoz, ESPRIT ES-TU LÀ?, Before publication 5, brochure, 36 pages – single booklets, 17.2 × 23.5 cm, offset, stapled binding – published in the Before publication collection, which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Text: Paul Viaccoz. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2021. ISBN: 978-2-9701369-3-4.
CHF 20.-
ESPRIT ES-TU LÀ? complements the eponymous exhibition presented by Paul Viaccoz at the Centre d’édition contemporaine, from October 1 to November 12, 2021. The publication brings together reproductions of drawings made on the walls of his garden cottage, drawings from the Paysages de guerre series, and a text by the eponymous artist. Paul, aka Damiano and ПОЛ, the central character of two previous short stories – Le responsable de l’économat est aujourd’hui indisponible (ed. FMAC, Geneva, 2012) and La censure des messages, (ed. Musée jurassien des Arts, Moutier, 2018) – mentions the experience of isolation. Viaccoz’s short text frames two quotations from Wolfgang Sofsky’s book, L’Ère de l’épouvante. Folie meurtrière, terreur, guerre (ed. Gallimard, Paris, 2002), which bears witness to the difficulties of representing cruelty, violence and war.

Liz Craft
New York & Beyond, 2017-2019

Liz Craft, New York & Beyond, 2017 – 2019, publication, digital printing, colours, 40 pages, 15 x 21.2 cm, 500 copies, stapled binding. Text : Paul-Aymar Mourgue d’Algue (English). Graphic design : Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2021. ISBN 978-2-9701369-0-3
CHF 20.-

Guillaume Dénervaud
Fumées Sombres

Guillaume Dénervaud, Fumées Sombres, Before publication 4, brochure, 20 pages, published in the Before publication collection – single booklets, 17.2 × 23.5 cm, stapled binding, 250 copies – which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Text: Dean Kissick. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2021. ISBN 978-2-9701369-1-0
The images contained in this publication are cutouts from drawings made in graphite on 46 by 61 cm size paper, and which are part of the Fumées Sombres series (2020).
CHF 20.-
The images in this publication are details of Guillaume Dénervaud’s graphite drawings from the Fumées Sombres series, presented on the occasion of his exhibition, Surv’Eye, at the Centre d’édition contemporaine, from March 19 to April 23, 2021. A text by Dean Kissick, New York editor of Spike Art Magazine, accompanies the reproductions, adding a textual and narrative dimension to the abstract landscapes imagined by the artist. His drawings, a kind of celestial cartography with an almost digital rendering, are a fictional immersion in a chaotic, hostile world. A work of anticipation, Guillaume Dénervaud’s universe is one that bears the marks of man’s destructive action on his environment.

Anne Dressen/Nick Mauss

Anne Dressen/Nick Mauss, Fluidités, Before publication 3, brochure, 36 pages, published in the Before publication collection, which gathers the pre-publications – single booklets, 17.2 × 23.5 cm, offset, black/white, stapled binding, 250 copies – which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Editorial coordination : Eveline Notter. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2021. ISBN 978-2-9701369-2-7
Sold out
In a series of conversations conducted between June 2018 and February 2020, Anne Dressen and Nick Mauss exchange about their respective curatorial practices, including questions about the hierarchies established by the museum institution between art and decorative arts. Anne Dressen has often mixed different medium in the exhibitions she has organized at The Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris. Nick Mauss, for his part, has often staged multidisciplinary exhibitions for which he has created transhistorical spaces allowing for new associations and questioning, that are an intrinsic part of his research and work.

Guillaume Dénervaud
Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure) et
(Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure

Guillaume Dénervaud, <em>Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure)</em> and <em>(Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure</em>, ed. of the CEC, 2020. © Sandra Pointet
Guillaume Dénervaud, (Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure and Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure), ed. of the CEC, 2020. © Sandra Pointet

Guillaume Dénervaud, (Les corps interfaces) altèrent la structure, offset (violet) and typographic (black) print and Les corps interfaces (altèrent la structure), offset (green) and typographic (black) print, diptych, 41,5 x 30 cm, 200 copies, dated and signed. Editions of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2020. Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2020.
CHF 150.- the diptych

Paul Paillet

Paul Paillet, BRUME BOURGEON BRISE SOLEIL, Before publication 2, brochure, 12 pages, published in the Before publication collection – single booklet from 4 to 24 pages, 17.2 × 23.5 cm, offset, black/white, stapled binding, 250 copies – which gathers the pre-publications of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2020.
This publication was inspired by the novel Les Météores by Michel Tournier and by the song, Coimbra (1930) by José Galhardo, whose French version, April in Portugal (1947) was written by Jacques Larue and the English version April in Portugal (1947) by Jimmy Kennedy.
CHF 20.-
BRUME BOURGEON BRISE SOLEIL has been published as part of the exhibition fascination for fire at the Centre d’édition contemporaine, from September 18 to December 12, 2020. Paul Paillet examines the injunction to happiness, synonymous of absolute love and self-fulfillment, whose obsessive quest has become a consumer good in contemporary society. The artist drew inspiration from Michel Tournier’s novel Les Météores and José Galhardo’s song Coimbra (1930). Some verses from the French version, Avril au Portugal (1947), written by Jacques Larue, and from the English version, April in Portugal (1947), by Jimmy Kennedy, are published in BRUME BOURGEON BRISE SOLEIL.

Fabian Marti
Such a Good Girl

Fabian Marti, Such a Good Girl, multiple, brass, handprints of the artist and paw prints of his dog, lemon juice concentrate, 1000 × 645 × 6 mm, edition of 8, 1 H.C. 1 special example (E.S.), 1 A.P and a prototype, numbered, dated and initialled FM, punched on the back of the mounting plate. Coedition Wilde and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2020.
10’000.- CHF

Harry Burke

A diminished poetry. An expanding (and contracting) writerly. Fragments, for Rindon Johnson

Harry Burke, A diminished poetry. An expanding (and contracting) writerly. Fragments, for Rindon Johnson. Before publication 1, brochure published in the Before Publication collection, which will gather the pre-publications — single booklet of 4 to 24 pages, 17.2 x 23.5 cm, offset, black/white, stapled binding, 250 copies — of authors’ texts or artists’ inserts, which will appear regularly and as a preview before the final publication, L’Effet papillon II (second volume of L’Effet papillon, 1989 – 2007, catalogue of the Centre d’édition contemporaine published in 2008). Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, December 2019.
CHF 20.-
A diminished poetryAn expanding (and contracting) writerlyFragments, for Rindon Johnson is a text by Harry Burke about the immersive videos of American artist Rindon Johnson. It combines notes, quotations, recasts and even strikethroughs in a fragmentary, indirect response to Johnson’s work, video production, legacy and position in relation to expanded cinema, multimedia culture, the place of computers in creation and virtual reality. Harry Burke also offers a reflection on the opening up of media in the digital age, while evoking the political and personal aspirations of a new generation of artists and critics.

Susan Te Kahurangi King
Selected Works 1965–1980

Susan Te Kahurangi King, Selected Works 1965–1980, offset, colours, 20 pages, 16,5 × 23,6 cm. Coedition innen, Zurich and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019. ISBN : 978-2-9701174-8-3
Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2019.
CHF 20.-

Dorothy Iannone
Eros Paintings

Dorothy Iannone, Eros Paintings, offset, colours, 16 pages, 16,5 x 23,6 cm. Coedition innen, Zurich and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019. ISBN : 978-2-9701174-9-0
CHF 20.-

Timothée Calame
Neologisms at Macdo, with Maximage

Timothée Calame, Neologisms at Macdo, with Maximage, poster, offset, colours, on Profimat 200g/m2, 50 × 70 cm, edition of 50, 3 E.A and 2 H.C. numbered, dated and signed by Timothée Calame and Maximage (MX). Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019.
CHF 50.-

Timothée Calame
En cas de vol, with Alan Schmalz

Timothée Calame, En cas de vol, with Alan Schmalz, poster, offset, colours, on Profimat 200g/m2, 50 × 70 cm, edition of 50, 2 E.A and 2 H.C. numbered, dated and signed by Timothée Calame and Alan Schmalz (AS). Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019.
CHF 50.-

Timothée Calame
Responsabilité (Pouvoir, Parole), with Léo Bachiri Wadimoff

Timothée Calame, Responsabilité (Pouvoir, Parole), with Léo Bachiri Wadimoff, poster, offset, colours, on Profimat 200g/m2, 50 x 70 cm, edition of 50, 3 E.A and 2 H.C, numbered, dated and signed by Timothée Calame and Léo Bachiri Wadimoff (LBW). Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019.
CHF 50.-

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches ! “A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations”

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches ! « A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations », ed. of the CEC, 2019. © Sandra Pointet
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches ! « A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations », ed. of the CEC, 2019. © Sandra Pointet

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, What to wear to a concert? Tips for concert outfits: wear your best punk jacket with the right patches! « A patch meant to be fixed to the back of your jacket depicting relevant cultural affiliations »
Silkscreen print on raw cotton, 36 × 48 cm, safety pins, postcard, 150 copies, edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2019. Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2018.
CHF 80.-

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
Scrolls in the Wind
A collection of scripts and poems by Harry Burke, Cyrus Grace Dunham, Sharon Hayes, James English Leary, Sophy Naess, Amy Sillman and Emily Sundblad. Edited by Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Scrolls in the Wind A collection of scripts and poems by Harry Burke, Cyrus Grace Dunham, Sharon Hayes, James English Leary, Sophy Naess, Amy Sillman and Emily Sundblad. Edited by Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, edition of twelve color lithographs, on BFK Rives 250g/m2 paper, 42 x 29.7 cm, inside a slip case, BFK Rives 300 g/m2 paper, contained in a box covered with Wibalin Natural Burnt Orange 115 g/m2 paper.
Edition of 15, 3 A.P. and 2 H.C., each lithograph is numbered from 1 to 12 and signed, the edition is numbered from 1/15 to 15/15, A.P. 1, A.P. 2, A.P. 3 and H.C. I, H.C. II, dated and signed by the artist on the colophon. Printed by Idem, Paris. Box produced by Cartonnages Delavy, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2018.
CHF 4’500.-

Keren Cytter
The Furious Hamster

Keren Cytter, The Furious Hamster, book, offset, colours, 56 pages, 15 x 15 cm, an edition of 500, text in English. Coedition Pork Salad Press, Copenhagen and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2018.
ISBN 978-87-91409-96-7.
Sold out

Keren Cytter
The Brutal Turtle

Keren Cytter, The Brutal Turtle, book, offset, colours, 40 pages, 15 x 15 cm, an edition of 500, text in English. Coedition Pork Salad Press, Copenhagen and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2018.
ISBN 978-87-91409-97-4.
CHF 20.-

Jonathan Monk
Directional Advice

Jonathan Monk, Directional Advice, one colour silkscreen print, clear varnish coating, Algro Screen cardboard 1260 g/m2, Ø 40 cm, edition of 150, signed and dated on the reverse, printed by Christian Humbert-Droz, Geneva, die-cut by Decoform, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2017. Edition offered to the members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association for the year 2017.
150.- CHF


Jean-Michel Wicker

Jean-Michel Wicker, #picturebook1, artist’s book, offset, 27 × 28.5 cm, 396 pages, including 360 pages in colour and 36 pages in black on LuxoArt Silk 150 g/m2 paper, glossy colour cover, LuxoArt Silk 350 g/m2, 10 inserts, colours, 26.5 × 28 cm, LuxoArt Silk 130 g/m2, publication of an arbre de vie produced by Jean-Michel Wicker in collaboration with Marlie Mul, a text by Harry Burke, and a recipe for Alsatian plum pie by Charlotte Wicker (French), English, an edition of 500. Graphic design: Maximage Société Suisse, London. Printing: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg, Altenburg. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, June 2017.
ISBN 978-2-9701174-0-7.
CHF 70.-

Mélanie Matranga
A : Hope open et B : Love close

Mélanie Matranga, A : Hope open and B : Love close, two prints, diptych, digital print, inkjet, created from a photography by Christian Vandewalle, enhanced with oil pastel, colours, 190 × 140 cm, on Ultrasmooth paper, an edition of three copies, numbered and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2017.
CHF 3’800.- (the print)

Jean-Michel Wicker
Belle étiquette

Jean-Michel Wicker, Belle étiquette, woven flyer taking the form of a mini carpet functioning as an advertisement object, polyester, black and white, high definition weaving, heat cut with fray out edges, 92 × 140 mm, edition of 1000, unsigned, weaving Bornemann-Etiketten GmbH, Wuppertal. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016.
This edition is accompanied by a publication bearing the same title, Belle étiquette, publication, 16 pages, black/white, colours, offset on Magno Satin 130 g/m2 paper, 26,8 × 20,5 cm, 250 copies. Graphic design : Marietta Eugster and Jean-Michel Wicker. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016.
Edition offered to the 2016 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 40.-

Mathis Gasser
In the Museum 1 2 (3),
Regulators 1 2 n

Mathis Gasser, In the Museum 1 2 (3), Regulators 1 2 n, artists’s book, 448 pages in black and 128 pages in colour, 17 × 22,8 × 3,5 cm, offset, on Arctic Volume White 1.12 paper 100 g/m2, cover in Arctic Volume White 1.2 paper 300 g/m2, 300 copies. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne with Mathis Gasser. Print : La Buona Stampa, Lugano. Binding: Schumacher AG, Schmitten. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016.
ISBN 978-2-8399-1979-1.
CHF 40.-

Artists’ Voices

Artists’ Voices, triple LP with sound pieces by Rita Ackermann, Gerard Byrne, Valentin Carron, Claire Fontaine, Jason Dodge, Giulia Essyad, Sylvie Fleury, Gilles Furtwängler, Mathis Gasser, Marcus Geiger / Heimo Zobernig, Vivienne Griffin & Kaspars Groshevs, Thomas Hirschhorn, Tobias Kaspar and Jan Vorisek, Anne Le Troter, Beat Lippert, Tobias Madison, Fabian Marti, Jonathan Monk, Damián Navarro, James Richards, Emanuel Rossetti, Ryan Conrad Sawyer, Ramaya Tegegne and Ricardo Valentim, 3 picture discs in a two-piece box, 310 x 310 x 15/15 mm, 350 copies. Sound engineer: Ladislav Agabekov, Caduceus Mastering, Geneva. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016. ISBN 978-2-9701174-6-9.
CHF 50.-
Valentin Carron, Tropico Psalm, 2’ 11’’, 2015
Valentin Carron, Tropico Psalm

Valentin Carron
Sunset Punta Cana

Valentin Carron, Sunset Punta Cana, edition of the CEC, 2016, © Sandra Pointet
Valentin Carron, Sunset Punta Cana, edition of the CEC, 2016, © Sandra Pointet

Valentin Carron, Sunset Punta Cana, edition of a print, inkjet, colours, on Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308 g/m2 paper, 105,4 × 80,3 cm, an edition of 12 copies, 1 H.C. and 2 A.P., framed, numbered, dated and signed on the back. Printed by Nicolas Pirolet, Bex. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2016.
CHF 4’000.- (the print)

Tobias Kaspar
Heart-Bite Valentine’s Day Teddy

Tobias Kaspar, Heart-Bite Valentine’s Day Teddy, a box containing a teddy bear and an LP featuring a poem printed on the tag attached to the bear read by Karl Holmqvist on the occasion of a reception at Stefan Kalmár’s on February 14th, 2015 in New York City. Additionally a unique photograph and an invitation to the reception are included in the box. An edition of 10, 3 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered, dated and signed. Coedition Tobias Kaspar and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2015.
CHF 800.-

David Hominal

David Hominal, Détail, CEC, 2015. Photo © Sandra Pointet
David Hominal, Détail, CEC, 2015. Photo © Sandra Pointet

David Hominal, Détail, Silkscreen print, two colours, 99,6 × 75,6 cm, an edition of 120 copies, 13 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered, dated and signed. Printed in Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2015.
Edition offered to the 2014 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 300.-



Jason Dodge
“what we keep doing to ourselves”
(made near Jean Calvin’s grave)

Jason Dodge, “what we keep doing to ourselves” (made near Jean Calvin’s grave). An edition of 20 examples. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva.
CHF 500.-

Jason Dodge
Shoes made for someone
with three feet
by a master shoemaker in Berlin.

Jason Dodge, Shoes made for someone with three feet by a master shoemaker in Berlin. An edition of 5 with 1 A.P. and 1 H.C. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva.
CHF 12’000.-

David Maljkovic
Konstantin Grcic

David Maljkovic with Konstantin Grcic, Negatives, tables composed of a linoleum table top and a pair of metallised anthracite grey steel trestles. Each table top bears traces of blade cuts which are filled with red ink, thus creating a set of lines and making each table unique. Format of the table top: 240 × 100 × 3 cm, format of the table: 240 × 100 × 74 cm. Twenty-four tables produced, of which six A.P. Six tables are reserved for the CEC. Each table is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, dated, numbered and signed by David Maljkovic and Konstantin Grcic. The trestles were designed by Konstantin Grcic, Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design, Munich and produced by Magis Design, Milan. Coedition Sprüth Magers and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2015.
CHF 15’000.-

Victor Man

Victor Man, untitled, multiple, pocket knife, the blade and the spring mechanism are in Swedish carbon steel (UHB 15-LM), the handle is in black water buffalo horn with rivets in brass and inserts in copper, 12.5 cm (closed knife), 23 cm (open knife), edition of 7 examples, 2 A.P. and 1 H.C., handmade by Matei Campan, blacksmith, Cluj, Romania. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2014.

Sold out

Raphaël Julliard

Raphaël Julliard, RREPTILES, artist’s book, 88 pages containing 55 images and the transcription of a conversation between Richard Tuttle and Raphaël Julliard, A5 paper size, composed in Chronicle Text, offset colour printing on Condat Matt Périgord 135 g/m2 paper, glued canvas binding, the front and back covers are constituted by two leporellos, red and wormwood yellow, Curious Skin 135 g/m2 paper, folded and held together by a brown satin ribbon bearing the silk-screen printed inscription RREPTILES every meter, printed in 100 copies, 10 of which contain an original drawing on cardboard paper, signed and numbered on the back, and held together by a violet satin ribbon bearing the silk-screen printed inscription RREPTILES every meter. Printer : Noir sur Noir Impression, Geneva. Binding : RS Reliure Service SA, Geneva. Graphic design : SO2, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2014. ISBN 978-2-9701174-5-2.
CHF 60.- with brown ribbon
CHF 200.- with original drawing and violet ribbon

Oriol Vilanova

Oriol Vilanova, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY, 150 different postcards representing spectacular caves from all over the world, each postcard contains the stamped inscription on the back: THE COLLECTION WILL BE COMPLETE WITH THE OTHER 149 POSTCARDS, in an envelope. Edition of Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva. 2014
Edition offered to the 2013 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association. CEC.
CHF 15.-

David Hominal
Through the Windows
silkscreen prints

David Hominal, Through the Windows, series of four silkscreen prints, colours, on HP Mat Litho Realistic paper 270 g/m2, 73 × 130 cm, an edition of 10 copies, 2 H.C. and 3 A.P. signed, dated and numbered. Printed in Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2013.
CHF 1000. – / piece (without frame)

David Hominal
Through the Windows

David Hominal, Through the Windows, publication, 52 notes on paper (app. 7 × 14cm, 2010 – 2012) and several reproductions of paintings, sculptures, collages, drawings and silkscreen prints. Digital coloured print on RecyStar paper 100 g/m2, 280 × 210 cm, 164 pages, cover in black Balacron, 350 g/m2, an edition of 270, of which 10 are numbered and signed and contain original drawings. Photography: David Hominal. Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann in collaboration with David Hominal. Printing: PCL, Lausanne. Binding: Schumacher AG, Schmitten. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2013.
ISBN : 978-2-9701174-4-5.
CHF 40.-
CHF 300.- with original drawings

Jonathan Monk
Soft Boiled Egg 1/10, …,
Soft Boiled Eggs 10/10

Jonathan Monk, Soft Boiled Egg 1/10, …, Soft Boiled Eggs 10/10, CEC, 2013. Photo © David Gagnebin-de-Bons

Jonathan Monk, Soft Boiled Egg 1/10, …, Soft Boiled Eggs 10/10, 10 unique films, Super 8 and DVD, colours, duration of the films = cooking time of one egg (approx. 2 min. 45), of 2 eggs, of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 eggs, black cardboard box with a hand – painted pattern by Jonathan Monk on its cover, spray, colours, containing the Super 8 film and a DVD – transfer, as well as a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist, edition of 10, numbered from 1 to 10, dated, edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2013.
CHF 3’500. –

Philippe Decrauzat,
One Second,
Notes On Replica

Philippe Decrauzat, One second, Notes on Replica, CEC, 2013. Photo © David Gagnebin-de-Bons

Philippe Decrauzat, One second, Notes on Replica, 24 images from the 16mm film Notes on Replica by Philippe Decrauzat, reproduced 5 times each, carbon print on Hahnemühle 180 g/m2, paper, black/white, A4 size, edition of 120, numbered, signed and dated. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2013.
Edition offered to the 2012 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 200.- one carbon print

Sylvie Fleury
Moon Eyes

Sylvie Fleury, Moon Eyes, CEC, 2012. Photo © David Gagnebin-de-Bons

Sylvie Fleury, Moon Eyes, edition of a multiple, vintage rear-view mirror in metal, with an engraving on the mirror YES TO ALL, wrapped in a buckskin printed in silkscreen print, colours, EASY SPIRIT, and with a cardboard label stamped and used as the colophon, edition of 15, 5 A.P., 2 H.C., numbered and signed. Coedition of Eternal Tour and Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2012.
CHF 5000.-

Oscar Tuazon
Working Drawing

Oscar Tuazon, Working Drawing, artist’s book, reproduction of 210 drawings and a text by Oscar Tuazon, 19 × 23 cm, 256 pages, Xerox print, on Condat matt Périgord 115 g/m2, cover front and back in clear glass 2mm, covered in linen cloth, Texlibris GTI, colour: steel 564, square spine, sewn and glued, wrapped in a sheet of ribbed Pop’Set Perle sealed with a self-adhesive strip, edition of 130, numbered and signed on the colophon, of which the 20 first copies contain one or several original drawings starting from page 229, plus 20 A.P. signed and numbered from I to XX. Design: Pierre-François Letué, Paris. Printing: Tracts, Paris. Binding: Atelier Philippe Martial, Paris. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2012. ISBN 978-2-9701174-3-8.
CHF 600.-
CHF 1’800.- with original drawings

Sgrafo vs Fat Lava

Sgrafo vs Fat Lava, CEC, 2011

Sgrafo vs Fat Lava
(1) Book, French, bound, 105 x 165 mm, 64 pages, 22 colour pictures. Summ ary : Nicolas Trembley (ed.), Madeleine de Proust et Fat Lava (introduction); text by Horst Makus, Formes, couleurs et décors. Un survol ; Interview of Ronan Bouroullec by Nicolas Trembley. Graphic design : Gavillet & Rust / Eigenheer, Geneva. Publisher : JRP|Ringier (Hapax collection), Zurich, 2011. ISBN 978-3-03764-163-7
(2) Book, English, bound, 105 x 165 mm, 64 pages, 22 colour pictures. Summary : Nicolas Trembley (ed.), Proust’s Madeleine and Fat Lava (introduction); text by Horst Makus, Form, Color, and Decoration: An Overview ; Interview with Ronan Bouroullec by Nicolas Trembley. Graphic design : Gavillet & Rust / Eigenheer, Geneva. Publisher : JRP|Ringier (Hapax collection), Zurich, 2012. ISBN 978-3-03764-277-1
Edition offered to the 2010 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 20.-

Jeffrey Vallance
The Vallance Bible

Jeffrey Vallance, The Vallance Bible, book, offset on « Gold East » mat 157 g/m2 paper, endpapers in black Woodfree 120 g/m2, case in greyboard 3 mm covered in Kivar 7 (Black 049-PS), with goldfoil stamping on front and spine, 32 pages, 16 × 21 cm, casebound, section sewn, endpapered, square backed, gold gilded edges, foil stamped bookmark, edition of 2000 bibles and 100 bibles bound in leather, of which 20 bibles specially customized by Jeffrey Vallance for the CEC with an original drawing and a relic signed and numbered. Co-edition of the Grand Central Press, Santa Ana, and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2011. ISBN 978-0-9817987-7-6.
CHF 20. –
CHF 800. – with original drawings

Aaron Flint Jamison

Aaron Flint Jamison, BLOCK 2, artist’s book, texts and images, colours, printed in offset and typography on different types of paper, 112 pages, 7 quires, format 12 × 21 cm, hardcover, bound in linen, square spine, glued and sewn, foil on the cover, colophon printed on a card inserted between the last page and the endsheet, edition of 250. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2011.
Edition offered to the 2011 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Sold out

Philippe Decrauzat
Trois films photographiés
– A Change of Speed,
a Change of Style,
a Change of Scene
– After Birds
– Screen O Scope

Philippe Decrauzat, Trois films photographiés – A Change of Speed, a Change of Style, a Change of Scene – After Birds – Screen O Scope, artist’s book, 288 pages, 181 × 248 mm, offset on LuxoArt Samt extra white 135 g/m2 and on Mega silk semi-mat superwhite 350 g/m2 for the cover, 143 images black/white and 1 colour image, sewn. This book is an edition of 400. Each copy is composed of 18 quires, bound together following a random repartition system. Each book is unique and numbered with an adjustable rubber stamp. Photography: David Gagnebin-de Bons, Lausanne. Graphic design: Schönherwehrs, Geneva. Photolithography: Bombie, Geneva. Printed by: Imprimerie Genevoise, Geneva. Bookbinder: Schumacher, Schmitten. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2011. ISBN 978-2-9701174-2-1.
CHF 70.-

Gerard Byrne
For example; a sketch of “Five Elevations”, 1971-72

Gerard Byrne, For example; a sketch of « Five Elevations », 1971-72, CEC, 2011. Photo © Sandra Pointet

Gerard Byrne, For example; a sketch of « Five Elevations », 1971-72, HD video, loop, colours, mute, media player (full HD), edition of 20 copies plus 2 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered, dated and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2011.
CHF 6’000.-

Susanne M. Winterling
Dynamique de réflexion

Susanne M. Winterling, Dynamique de réflexion, CEC, 2010. Photo © Olivier Pasqual

Susanne M. Winterling, Dynamique de réflexion, photomontage, C-print, 40 × 30 cm, 52 × 43 cm framed, edition of 3 plus 1 A.P. and 1 H.C., numbered, dated and signed on the back of the frame. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2010.
CHF 3’000.- (with frame)

Pierre Bismuth
Something Less,
Something More – DIY

Pierre Bismuth, Something Less, Something More – DIY, CEC, 2009. Photo © Annik Wetter

Pierre Bismuth, Something Less, Something More – DIY, triple groove corrugated cardboard plate with seven pre-cut discs, 37 × 50 cm, a metal stick and instructions for use, offset, black and one colour, front and back, French/English, 74 × 50 cm, on Keaykolour nature quartz mat 150 g/m2 paper, folded in two, all elements in a coloured plastic envelope (green, blue, yellow or clear) closed by a folded cardboard as colophon, digital print, one colour, 180 copies. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2009.
Edition offered to the 2009 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 300.-

Angela Marzullo
Les Pisseuses

Angela Marzullo, Les Pisseuses, three figurines, plaster, urine, 14 × 6.5 × 5 cm, inside a cardboard box, printed on its six sides in beetroot juice with a lace curtain pattern, flap lid on the top of the box, oval Plexiglas “window”, pink embossing on the back of the lid, edition of 10 plus 1 H.C. and 1 A.P., numbered, dated and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2009.
CHF 550. –

Jeffrey Vallance
500th Anniversary of the Birth of John Calvin (1509-2009)

Jeffrey Vallance
500th Anniversary of the Birth of John Calvin (1509-2009), CEC, 2009. Photo © Sandra Pointet

Jeffrey Vallance, 500th Anniversary of the Birth of John Calvin (1509-2009), wooden stamp, small plate in brushed brass, 12 × 8.1 × 10 cm, edition of 5 plus 1 A.P. and 1 H.C., numbered and dated. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2009.
CHF 800.-

Erik van Lieshout
The Assistant

Erik van Lieshout, The Assistant, box, inkjet print on glossy paper and on photocopy paper, colour and black&white, 4 originals, 1 text/letter by Erik van Lieshout, 19 colour photocopies on glossy paper, A4, 2 black/white photocopies, A3 folded in two, 1 index folded in two and 1 colophon, cardboard box, 30.5 × 21 × 2.8 cm, design: Carla Ammerlaan, production: Suzanne Weenink, edition of 10 uniques plus 1 H.C., numbered, dated and signed on the top and inside the box lid. Co-edition of Erik van Lieshout and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2009.
CHF 2’000.-

Erik van Lieshout
Animation book

Erik van Lieshout, Animation book, “Animation sheets” book (August – November 2008, Cologne) for Sex is Sentimental (video, colour, sound, 21’, 2009), inkjet print, colours, 32 pages, original drawings and collages on the cover and the back, cardboard, 21 × 29.8 cm, edition of 20 unique, numbered, dated and signed, design: Carla Ammerlaan, production: Suzanne Weenink. Co-edition of Erik van Lieshout and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2009.
CHF 600.-

Angela Marzullo
Les Pisseuses

Angela Marzullo, Les Pisseuses, figurine, plaster, urine, 14 x 6.5 x 5 cm, edition of 120, numbered and dated, offered to the 2008 members of the association. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2008.
Edition offered to the 2008 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 100. –

L’Effet papillon, 1989-2007

L’Effet papillon, 1989-2007, catalogue, in French, introduction by Véronique Bacchetta, texts by Véronique Bacchetta, Sylvie Boulanger, Lionel Bovier, Brian D. Butler (English and French), Philippe Cuenat, Thomas Hirschhorn, Christoph Keller (German and French), Hans Ulrich Obrist and Alexis Vaillant. 432 pages, 17,5 × 23,5 cm, offset printing on Munken Print Premium White paper, 115 g/m2 , offset printing and hot gold foil stamping on Munken Print White paper, 300g/m2 , for the cover, 61 color ill., 278 b/w ill. Graphic design : Schönwehrs, Geneva. Printing : Musumeci S.p.A., Quart (Aosta Valley), Italy. Publisher : Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, June 2008. Distribution : JRP|Ringier, Zurich, ISBN 978-3-905829-77-8.
CHF 48.-

Olivier Bardin
You belong to me I belong to you

Olivier Bardin, You Belong to me I belong to you, edition of 64 colour photographs, 22.3 × 30 cm, mounted between two acrylic slabs, transparent on the front and opal on the back, edition of 1 each, dated and signed. Co-edition of the centre d’édition contemporaine and gallery blancpain art contemporain, Geneva, 2008.
CHF 500.- per photography

Jérôme Leuba

Jérôme Leuba, battlefield#39, CEC, 2007. Photo © Sandra Pointet

Jérôme Leuba, battlefield#39,one side poster, offset, glossy laid paper 135 g/m2, colours, 70 × 50 cm, rolled and held by a strap of newspaper, b#39 noted on a golden sticker, edition of 300 of which 150 reserved for the 2007 members of the association, 150 reserved for sale, 15 A.P. and 5 H.C., numbered, dated and signed, printed by Rochat/Baumann Imprimerie Nationale, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2007.
Edition offered to the 2007 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 70.-

François Curlet

François Curlet, PUB-UP, CEC, 2007. Photo © Sandra Pointet

François Curlet, PUB-UP, mini portfolio of five facsimile, offset, Idem Superior CF yellow 60 g/m2 paper, pique-note, edition of 120 including 20 numbered, dated and signed editions reserved for sale, 92 reserved for the 2006 members of the association, 6 A.P. and 2 H.C., numbered and dated on a label with turquoise-blue stamp, glued under the base of the pique-note. The five facsimile were printed by Josef Huber, Noir sur Noir Impression, Geneva. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2007.
Edition offered to the 2006 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
CHF 500.-



HABITAT/VARIATIONS, booklet edited on the occasion of the Habitat/variations exhibition at the Bac – Bâtiment d’art contemporain, Geneva, from June 23 to September 2nd, 2007 ; project by María Inés Rodríguez, with the collaboration of Juan Herreros and Pablo León de la Barra, on invitation of the Centre d’édition contemporaine and the Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva. With Pablo León de la Barra, cover ; Juan Herreros, «Logement public + Espace public, un manifeste» ; Pablo León de la Barra, «Wanted Jo sé Ivanildo» ; Leandro da Silva, «Une interview : José Ivanildo» ; Colectivo Tercer un Quinto, «Sculpture publique à Monterrey» ; Pierre Bal – Blanc, «Un paysage habitable : A propos de Hans – Walter Müller» ; Jakob Kolding, «Two Case Studies of Spatial Planni ng and Local Initiatives» ; María Inés Rodríguez, «Habitat/variations» ; Raúl Cárdenas, «Architecture d’urgence (S.O.S)» ; Santiago Cirugeda, «L’illégalité nécessaire» ; Josep – María Martín et Raphaël Nussbaumer, «La maison digestive» ; Véronique Bacchetta, « Sur le chemin de l’école : A propos de Pia Rönicke » ; Andrés Jaque, « Espumas Democráticas et troismerveilleux superpouvoirs du Pop». Stapled paper, 320 x 220 cm, 33 pages. Publication director : María Inés Rodriguez ; graphic design concept : Base ; t ranslations : Sophie Gewinner and Pedro Jiménez Morras, June 2007.
CHF 5.-

Markus Schinwald
Les Boîtes

Markus Schinwald, Les Boîtes, series of ten wooden boxes, 25 × 25 × 25 cm, the inside covered with a touched up image, Iris print, black/white, and lighted by a lamp; the outside of each box is covered with a different wallpaper and presents a peephole on its top; edition of 10 plus 2 H.C. and 2 A.P., dated, numbered and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2007.
CHF 3’000. – each

Gianni Motti
CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid experiment,

Gianni Motti, CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid experiment, Cern, ed. of the CEC, 2006. © Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva

Gianni Motti, CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid experiment, photography, 39.7 × 46.5 cm, edition of 15 mounted on aluminium plus 4 H.C. and 4 A.P. not mounted on aluminium, numbered, dated and signed. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2006.
CHF 2’000.-

Christophe Rey
Dragon bec verseur,
108 fragments à propos d’un voyage dans l’Est des Etats-Unis

Christophe Rey, Dragon bec verseur, 108 fragments à propos d’un voyage dans l’Est des Etats-Unis, handmade typography print, 13 × 18 cm closed, 120 pages, edition of 350, stitched and glued. Co-edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine and the API-TypoPharMaCie, Geneva, 2005. (ISBN-10 2-8399-0116-1 et ISBN-13 978-2-8399-0116-1)
CHF 30.-

Florian Pumhösl
Etudes abstraites



Florian Pumhösl, Etudes abstraites, series of five heliogravures, black/white, on Zerkall Bütten 270 g/m2. paper, 50.5 × 60 cm, gathered in a portfolio covered with grey linen, embrossed on the top, 62 × 52 cm, edition of 10 (portfolios) in which each heliogravure is numbered from 1 to 10, plus 2 H.C. and 2 A.P., dated and signed, printed by Kurt Zein, Vienna, portfolio created by the binding workshop Johanna Koch GmbH, Vienna. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2004.
CHF 4’600.- per portfolio
CHF 1’000.- per heliogravure (from portfolio no 5/10)
CHF 1’180.- per framed heliogravure (from portfolio no 6/10)

M/M (Paris)
Pour hoM/Me, Printemps-Eté 2004

M/M (Paris) Pour hoM/Me, Printemps-Eté 2004, 6 posters, colour silkscreen prints, 120 × 176 cm, edition of 25. Co-edition of the Cneai, Chatou/Paris, and Centre d’édition Contemporaine, Geneva, 2004.
CHF 300.- per poster
CHF 1’600.- 6 posters



NO MORE LIGHTS ON MY STARGUITAR, vinyl, 33 rounds, 12 sound tracks by Albert Angelo (GB), John Armleder (GE), Ana Axpe (GE), Kim Sop Boninsegi (GE), Bruno Dürr (GE), Mossuraya (GE), Yanick Fournier (D), Benoit Guignat (FR), Baron Samedi (Elena Montesinos, C. Daesen at S. Mercier) (CH), Reynolds (AR), SPLITt Jaques Julien & Hugues Reip) (FR), Uusi Fantasia (FI), 1000 copies, edited by Made at home records and the centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2005.
This rather rock’n’roll inspired compilation of musical pieces organised by Bruno Dürr is meant to defy this obsolete but nevertheless reactualised idea about the death of the rock’n’roll music. It will be presented together with its video clip, Glamourama, realised by Corine Stübi.
Edition offered to the 2004 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Compilation No More Lights On My Starguitar in details
SPLITt (Jacques Julien & Hugues Reip), Melita Singh, 2 :51
Mossuraya, Haine aux maçons (Part 2), 2:08
Reynols, Rohr Caduelo Gasigo Flatdas, 3:38
Uusi Fantasia, Wet Pussy, 1:18
Ana Axpe, 4 ever elvis, 2 :55
Baron Samedi (Elena Montesinos, C.Daesen et S. Mercier), Flaw to fizz , 3 :33
Yanick Fournier, Marco Praz, 3 :18
John Armleder, 4’.33’, 4:33
Benoît Guignat, ##, 3:36
Albert Angelo, Accident Will Happen/A Happy Accident, 5:00
Bonus tracks :
Kim Sop Boninsegni, matter of laughs, 1 :00
Bruno Dürr, I killed my father’s guitar, 1 :07
CHF 10.-



PACEMAKER #3, free newspaper, third number, with Richard Hertz, « Jack Goldstein and the Calarts Mafia », anthology of discussions with and about Jack Goldstein, Philipe Par reno, « The underground Man (After a short Story by Gabriel Tarde) », Matthieu Orléan, « Grey Gardens », Jean – Michel Wicker, « Horses in my Dreams », Susanne Bürner, « 13 Steps towards the Uncanny », Carissa Rodriguez, « Arts & Leisure », Jacob Fabricius, « Patrick ‘The Critter’ », Olaf Breuning, « Sheep and Sun », Michael Roy, « Roman », Karl Holmqvist, « Sitting position, Basic Positions for sitting on the Ground », doctor : Melvin Moti, horoscope : Petra Mrzyk & Jean – François Moriceau. Offset, A2 format , 148 x 210 cm folded, one colour, edition of 7000, English or French, photo – journalist : Bruno Serralongue, graphic design : Sylvia Tournerie – 3 points, Paris, direction of the publication: Eva Svennung and Alexis Vaillant/Toasting Agency, Paris, co – prod uced by the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, October 2003.



PACEMAKER #2, free newspaper, second number, with Jean – Luc Blanc, « Before and after », paintings, 2003 (cover), Arnaud Maguet, « Pushing Too Hard on Mind, The spatial dynamic trajectory of Sky « Sun light » Saxon », Gardar Eide Einarsson & Matias Faldbakken, « Usk for you », a conversation between Sture Johannesson and Johnny Rotten, « When we are dead », Gigiotto Del Vecchio/Supporticolopez, « Supporticolopez Storyboard », Laetita Raynaud, Aby Warbur g, « Astrologer », excerpt from « A Lecture on Serpent Ritual », 1923, Pascale Cassagnau « Site of the Month », Bennett Simpson, « Letter from Philadelphia », Bernadette Corporation, « Chapters 3 and 1 (excerpts from a collective novel) », Brigitte Bardot vs Marcel Broodthaers, « V, M.B. vs the city of P. and B.B », «Carlos Depot opens in June », Michael Roy, Ed Ruscha, « A Daydream by Ed Ruscha » excerpt from « my books End Up In the Trash », doctor : Jean – Luc Verna, astrology : Sylvie Fleury « Astro signe ». Offset, A2 format, 148 x 210 cm folded, one colour black, 9 edition of 7000, English and French, photo – journalist : Bruno Serralongue, artistic director : Valentin Carron, direction of the publication: Eva Svennung and Alexis Vaillant/Toasting Agency, Paris, co – produced by the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, June 2003.

Katie Holten
Procumbent Notions

Katie Holten, Procumbent Notions, brochure with a text by James Gleick, « The Butterfly Effect » from Chaos (1988), Xerox photocopies, 26 pages, 14.8 × 21 cm, photocopy, black/white, both-sided, blue cover, English, edition of 200. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, and Jacob Fabricius, Pork Salad Press, Copenhagen, 2003.
CHF 20.-

Mads Ranch Kornum
Dark Matter / Two Great “Works” by Mads Ranch Kornum

Mads Ranch Kornum, Dark Matter / Two Great « Works » by Mads Ranch Kornum, CEC, 2003

Mads Ranch Kornum, Dark Matter / Two Great « Works » by Mads Ranch Kornum, brochure, Xerox photocopies, 16 pages including the 4 cover and back pages, 14.8 × 21 cm, photocopy, black/white, both-sided, English, edition of 200. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, and Jacob Fabricius, Pork Salad Press, Copenhagen, 2003.
CHF 20.-


FINGER#12, CEC, 2003

FINGER#12, free issue published by the Centre d’édition contemporaine and the Finger group, in collaboration with Aurélien Gamboni, Sloane Huguenin and M arion Ronca, with French, English and German texts, from Sloane Huguenin «L’histoire d’une brigade, « C’est vrai qu’il déménage souvent… », an interview of Stéphane Monbaron (French, with English summary), Claudia Hummel « The Give – Away Books » (English ), Florian Haas « Lew, ein Spezialist für Monumentalplastik und die Darstellung von Karl Marx » (German, with English summary), Marion Ronca « CIRA , the international center for research on anarchism » (English), Die Sportsfreunde Rüsselsheim « Das Noizemo bil 2000, ein Urlaubsbericht » (German, with English summary), Aurélien Gamboni, « Petit voyage dans le monde des normes » (French, with English summary), Martin Brandt, « Match it if you can » (English), offset, black, on light green paper, 16 stapled pag es, 21 x 29,7 cm, edition of 5000

Jakob Kolding

Jakob Kolding, Posters, artist’s publication, document file containing 18 folded prints: reproductions of posters, of photographs of in situ posters, several texts in English/French as well as an introduction by the artist, a selection of texts on three previous projects in Denmark, Geneva and Los Angeles, a text by Doreen Massey (geographer), English translations of texts on selected posters, 21 × 29.7 cm, offset print, black/white, on semi-mat laid paper 115 g/m2, document file on mat and laid paper Invercote G-Print 280 g/m2, 21.5 x 30.2 cm, edition of 700. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2003. ISBN 978-2-9701174-1-4.
CHF 28.-

Karl Holmqvist

Karl Holmqvist, CECI N’EST QU’UNE ILLUSION, CEC, 2002

Karl Holmqvist, CECI N’EST QU’UNE ILLUSION, silkscreen printed plastic bag, black/white, 34.5 × 46.5 cm, unlimited edition. Edition of the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2002.
Edition offered to the 2002 members of the Centre d’édition contemporaine association.
Sold out

Monica Bonvicini

Monica Bonvicini, ETERNMALE, publication with 13 reproductions of collages from the series Drawings for Eternmale (2000) and an interview of Monica Bonvicini by Beatrix Ruf, offset print on white opaque Patinata paper 200 g/m2, colours, 14 pages bound together by a metal spiral, 50 × 60 cm (same size as Pirelli calendars), edition of 1000. Coedition of the Kunsthaus Glarus and the Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, 2002.
CHF 150.-

Vidya Gastaldon
Jean-Michel Wicker
Chromolux Landscape

Vidya Gastaldon & Jean-Michel Wicker, Chromolux Landscape, silkscreen prints, two colours (fluorescent pink or silver) and two patterns (landscape or crystals), 100 × 70 cm, on an unlimited series of Chromolux 250 g/m2 papers (Color or Perlmutt Iridescent or Metallic), edition of 174 plus 8 A.P. and 12 H.C., not signed, not numbered, not dated. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 2000.
CHF 250.- one print
CHF 450.- two prints


KLAT, EVIL TALK, poster, silkscreen print, black/white phosphorescent on poster paper, 50 × 100 cm, edition of 300. Coedition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine and Forde, espace d’art contemporain, Geneva, 2000.
Edition offered to the members of 1999 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
CHF 50.-

Elke Krystufek
In the Arms of Luck


Elke Krystufek, In the Arms of Luck, book, offset print, black/white, colours, on Centaure white 170 g/m2 paper, 29 × 21,5 cm, 56 pages, full cardboard binding, edition of 800. Coedition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, and the Maison Levanneur / Centre National de l’Estampe et de l’Art Imprimé, Chatou, 1999. ISBN 2-912483-03-4.
CHF 40.–

Elke Krystufek
Economical Love

Elke Krystufek, <em>Economical Love</em>, 1998
Elke Krystufek, Economical Love, 1998

Elke Krystufek, Economical Love, poster, offset print, colours, 70 × 50 cm, edition of 160 dated and signed and approx. 60 not signed. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1998.
Edition offered to the members of 1998 of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine association.
CHF 30.– not signed
CHF 50.– dated and signed

Alex Baladi

Alex Baladi
Alex Baladi

Alex Baladi, Tous mutants, publication, comics, Xerox copies, edition of 100, 21 × 15 cm. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1998.
CHF 1.–
Alex Baladi, De toutes petites choses un petit peu personnelles, publication, comics, Xerox copies, edition of 100, 15 × 10 cm. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1998.
Sold out
Alex Baladi, Pourquoi, publication, comics, Xerox copies, edition of 100, 15 × 10 cm. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1998.
CHF 1.–
Alex Baladi, Chicas, publication, comics, Xerox copies, edition of 100, 15 × 10 cm. Edition of the Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine, Geneva, 1998.
Sold out