The Centre d’édition contemporaine at 15 rue des Rois, Geneva. Image © Sandra Pointet

The Centre d’édition contemporaine (Centre genevois de gravure contemporaine until 2000) is an institution dedicated to the production and the promotion of contemporary editions and to making exhibitions, thus bringing together the specific fields of edition and contemporary art. Several emerging or well-established artists, from Switzerland or abroad, are invited to make an exhibition and to produce an edition (prints, artist’s books, publications, multiples, …).

Véronique Bacchetta
Christine Glassey
Lotta Grammatikopoulos-Niinikoski
Sandrine Frieden, secretary
Pierre Geneston
Petra Krausz, co-president
Patrick Longchamp, vice-president
Paul Paillet, co-president
Sophie Perrier, treasurer
Steeve Ray
Daniel Rinaldi
The photographs and the texts presented on this website are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved. Any partial or complete reproduction of an image or text without the permission of its author or its beneficiary and of the CEC is strictly prohibited.
© photographs: David Gagnebin-de Bons, Antonio Masolotti, Olivier Pasqual, Jorge Perez, Sandra Pointet, Annik Wetter and the CEC, Geneva 
CEC’s logo (elephant) : Vidya Gastaldon
New CEC’s website graphic design and development : Niels Wehrspann
For its 2025 programmation, the CEC is supported by the Department of culture and digital transition of the City of Geneva, The Loterie Romande and a private Geneva foundation.
Caroline Bachmann’s exhibition DIX MATINS is supported by Leenaards Foundation.

to our

Contact, opening hours and access


Centre d’édition contemporaine
15 rue des Rois
1204 Geneva
T +41 22 310 51 70
skype: cecedition
Facebook logo
Instagram logo

Opening hours

Tuesday – Friday
1 PM – 6 PM
Free entry
Free guided tour upon request


15, rue des Rois
1204 Geneva
Tram 14, 15, bus 1
→ tram and bus stop Stand
Tram 15, bus 1, 2, 19, 27
→ tram and bus stop Cirque
Bus 35
→ stop Bains and stop Stand