Présentation du catalogue
L’Effet papillon, 1989-2007,
castillo/corrales, Paris
January 23, 2009, at 8pm
Section 7 Books bookshop presented by castillo/corrales, rue Rébeval 65, 75019 Paris

On the occasion of the presentation of L’Effet papillon, 1989-2007, Véronique Bacchetta (director of CEC) will read the chapter « Marketing as social project » from Philippe Cuenat’s text A Fifty-cent Item: Maciunas’ marketing of Fluxus published in this book.
and Benjamin Valenza (born in 1980 in Marseille, lives and works in Lausanne) will give a lecture of the poem Maintenant c’est après le succès les temps changent/Now he following the success of changing times, freely inspired by Ms Leokadija Maciunas’ comments about the commercial initiatives of her son (see Philippe Cuenat, A Fifty-cent Item: Maciunas’ marketing of Fluxus). Benjamin Valenza will play his sculpture Don Quixote’s hip (2009, painted brass and aluminium, 100 x 35 cm).